Header ALAVALU Englisch

In a nutshell

A proposal for leaders aiming to promote the healthy development of people and organisations

As the world grows together I believe that people should too. The basis for this should be more respect for individual personalities and more appreciation of human value regardless of origin.


I offer tailored services based on your company’s requirements in order to meet your needs. This is mainly with the following services:

  • Seminars on topics such as e.g.
    > Interview training for junior executives to learn about personnel selection and the importance of motivation
    > How to conduct termination conversation in a dignified manner
    > How to promote self-confidence in an agile intercultural environment
  • Coaching/Sparring Partnership for career development and selfmarketing as well as building self-esteem

Please contact me for other topics around personnel marketing, job market and work space. Thank you.

About ALAVALU® and its benefit

ALAVALU® is an approach that makes a difference to human and organisational growth. This is an integrated part of all my consulting work. The overall concept of ALAVALU® has been self-developed and professionally assessed. I have been successfully working with this approach for more than 25 years.

About the benefit – in a nutshell: The individuals self-perception changes and allows further development. The individual strenghtens his/her self-esteem and the personal scope of behaviour, action and decision becomes more tangible. This promotes a stronger sense of personal responsibility, emphasises individual strengths and unlocks (self-)development and new possibilities for the individual. This has a positive impact on his/her environment and the organisation too. – In other words, the high demands of today’s working environment are met more constructively for people at all levels and of all backgrounds.

About me

I am an HR specialist with more than 30 years of experience in operational, strategic and consulting roles covering all aspects of HR. My educational background and trainings are in human resources management, training and intercultural coaching, psychology, HR project and changemanagement, communication and leadership and conflict management. I advise on and provide customized trainings, coachings/sparring partnership and consulting as well as HR project support. I am highly motivated and enjoy actively contributing to the development of people and organisations and learning from people.